Blake Huber has had an interest in politics almost all of his adult life. In high school he used to argue ethical principles in his American Government class. He’s been active in political campaigns since he was 17 years old.
He has had a career in management for over 30 years, managing apartments, over 1000 units, a small business, a motel, and teams of network engineers.
He became interested in election method reform after the election that involved the alternative party candidate Ross Perot and more recently the alternative party candidate Ralph Nader.
Currently Blake is working to promote an alternative voting method called approval voting (which he also calls satisfaction voting). He feels that people are more satisfied with an election if they’re not limited to one single choice.
Blake ran on the Approval Voting Party ticket for US Vice-president in 2016, Colorado Secretary of State in 2018, and for US President in 2020 and 2024.